Why We Need Dynamic Balance

How do you balance it all? It's funny, but I always thought of balance as a static thing.  Once I achieved balance I'd just have to keep doing things exactly the same each day and it would all stay balanced, right? For example, there was that happy time of life when my one baby slept … Continue reading Why We Need Dynamic Balance

Fighting the Flight

"I Only Write When Inspiration Strikes. Fortunately It Strikes at Nine Every Morning." I loved this quotation I read in The War of Art.  He attributed it to Somerset Maughum, and though some dispute that, the truth remains the same.  For me, the inspiration needs to strike somewhat earlier before everyone else is up and … Continue reading Fighting the Flight

The War

So I read a book yesterday. Someone new to our Books & Brews Book Club mentioned The War of Art last month.  It hooked me from the first page.  Clearly defining what makes creating such a challenge and how to overcome anyway, The War of Art arms you for the battle within. And here I am, … Continue reading The War